Exhorts them to
- gird up their loins
- serve the Lord in fear and truth
Ascribes to Christ
- all things in heaven and earth are subject to Him
- every spirit serves Him
- Comes as the Judge of the living and the dead
- His Blood will be required of unbelievers
- Believers will be raised up with Him
- IF
- we do His Will
- walk in His commandments
- love what He loved
- keep ourselves from all
- unrighteousness
- covetousness
- love of money
- evil speaking
- false witness
- not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing, blow for blow, or cursing for cursing
- remembering His teaching to
- “judge not, that ye be not judged”
- forgive in order to be forgiven
- be merciful that we might obtain mercy
- “with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again”
- blessed are the poor and persecuted for righteousness’ sake
- for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
- IF