SOURCE - God’s Warning: 7 Types Of People You Must Not Help | Biblical Wisdom - YouTube
Being a Blessing vs Being an Enabler
Proverbs 4:7 - acquire wisdom and gain understanding
John 2:24 - Jesus walked away from certain people; He “did not entrust Himself to them, for He knew them all.”
Matthew 7:6 - Don’t cast your pearls before swine.
7 People You Should Never Help
Lazy and Idle
- Proverbs 10:4
- 2 Thessalonians 3:10
- Matthew 25:24-30
- Proverbs 6:9-11
- they always have an excuse for why they can’t work, but plenty of time for entertainment and distraction
- expect others to provide for them, but are unwilling to put in the effort themselves
- have opportunities but refuse to take them
- consistently waste resources, whether money, time or talents
- only seek help when they are in a crisis, but never take action to prevent the next one
- Jesus did not chase after the rich young ruler when he walked away - Mark 10:17-22
- God allows people to feel the weight of their choices because sometimes pain is the only thing that will provoke a person to change
- you cannot save someone who is committed to staying stuck
The Ungrateful
- they act like they are “owed” everything you do for them
The Proud and Arrogant
- James 4:6 - God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble
- pride = self-sabotage
- you cannot save someone who does not believe they need saving
- do not give dogs what is sacred, do not throw your pearls before swine
The Wicked and Sinful
- Psalm 1:1 - you must separate yourself from the wicked (those committed to sin)
- When you help the wicked, you share in their guilt
- Romans 1:32
The Foolish
- foolish = the REFUSAL to embrace wisdom
- Proverbs 13:20 - a companion of fools suffers harm
- Proverbs 26:11 - as a dog returns to its vomit so fools repeat their folly
- Proverbs 23:9 - Do not speak to fools for they will scorn your prudent words
- A FOOL DOES NOT LACK KNOWLEDGE; a fool lacks HUMILITY; they REFUSE to accept correction; they HAVE to be right; they are NOT teachable - they want help, but they do not want correction; they want relief but they do not want transformation; then they turn around and blame you when things go wrong
- Proverbs 14:7 - stay away from a fool for you will not find knowledge on their lips
This Dishonest and Manipulative
- their intentions are not pure
- they don’t come to you because they need help; they come because they see you as an opportunity; they know you have a soft heart; they know you will give without questioning
- Proverbs 12:22 - the Lord detests the lying lips …
- deception is not just a lie; it is a tool of the enemy
- 2 Corinthians 11:14 - Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light; deception is not always obvious; the most dangerous liars are the ones who know how to sound sincere;the most dangerous manipulators are those who know how to act like victims; they will play with your emotions to get what they want; they will make you feel guilty; they will twist your kindness; they will use flattery; they will pretend to be something they are not - DO NOT BE DECEIVED
- Proverbs 26:24-26 - enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts they harbor deceit; though their speech is charming DO NOT BELIEVE THEM
- they will tell you what you want to hear just to get what they want
- they always have a story, but the details never add up
- they only come around when they need something
- they guilt trip you if you hesitate to help
- they have a pattern of using people
- they make promises they never keep
- they never take responsibility for their actions
The Unrepentant
- there is a difference between someone who struggles with sin and one who is unrepentant
- there is a difference between someone who falls and gets back up and someone who lays in their sin and refuses to move
- Hebrews 10:26 - if we deliberately keep on sinning after receiving knowledge of the truth no sacrifice for sins is left
- It is one thing to fall into sin; it is another thing entirely to deliberately continue in it after hearing the truth
- Unrepentance = rebellion
- Unrepentance is a heart posture that says I know what God says but I don’t care
When you try to help someone who is unrepentant, you are enabling them.
If you are trying to carry someone that God has been trying to break, you have been rescuing people that God has been trying to correct.
You cannot set someone free who loves their chains
- Proverbs 29:1 - whoever remains still necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed WITHOUT REMEDY
There comes a point where correction will no longer work
some people are not suffering because of the devil; they are suffering because of their own hard heart
God is full of mercy, but He is also a God of Justice; He is slow to anger, but He is not slow to judge those who refuse to turn from their ways
Romans 2:5 - because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath against yourself
Parable of the Prodigal son
- the father did not chase after him when he left; he did not rescue him when he wasted his inheritance; he let him go; it was only when the son was starving in the pig pen that he came to his senses.
Some people will never change until they hit rock bottom
Some people will never repent until they are broken
Some people will never listen until they have lost everything
If you keep trying to rescue them before they repent, you are interfering with the lesson that God is trying to teach them.
- pray for them
- ask God to soften their heart and lead them to repentance
- speak truth, but don’t force it
- give them the Word but do not argue or chase after them
- set boundaries - do not let their rebellion drain you emotionally, financially, or spiritually.
- Let God deal with them
- Some people need to experience hardship before they turn back to God