SOURCE - Dictionary of Bible Themes: 5360 justice, of God

Dictionary of Bible Themes  ”  5000 Humanity  ”  5200 Human civilisation  ”  5359 justice  ”  5360 justice, of God

The moral righteousness of God is revealed in his laws and expressed in his judicial acts. God’s commands and judgments meet perfect standards of justice, and his apportioning of punishments and rewards is also perfectly just. God’s justice is impartial. Special praise is his for vindicating the penitent and the needy who have no human champions. Ultimately, all God’s ways will be seen as just and equitable.

God’s justice declared

God the Father

Psalm 92:151 Peter 1:17 See also Genesis 18:25Job 36:3Psalm 11:7Psalm 25:8Psalm 33:5Psalm 51:4Isaiah 61:8Jeremiah 9:24Zephaniah 3:5Revelation 15:3

God the Son

1 John 2:1 See also Psalm 45:6Hebrews 1:8-9Psalm 72:1-4

The righteousness of the coming Messiah:

Isaiah 9:7Isaiah 11:3-5Isaiah 42:1Malachi 3:1-3 Acts 3:141 Corinthians 1:30Revelation 19:11

God the Spirit

John 16:8-11 See also Acts 5:3Ephesians 4:1,30

God’s justice described

As impartial

1 Peter 1:17 See also Deuteronomy 10:172 Chronicles 19:7Job 34:19Daniel 5:27Acts 10:34Romans 2:5Galatians 2:6Ephesians 6:9Colossians 3:25

As inescapable

Romans 2:3 See also Psalm 68:21-23Jeremiah 11:11Jeremiah 16:16-18Jeremiah 51:53Lamentations 2:22Amos 9:1-4; Ob 4; Hebrews 2:2-3

As infallible

Hebrews 4:13 See also 1 Samuel 2:31 Chronicles 28:9Proverbs 16:2Proverbs 21:2Proverbs 24:12Luke 16:15Romans 2:2

God’s justice desired

By the oppressed

Psalm 9:19 See also Judges 3:9Psalm 7:6Psalm 10:12-14

By those who are misrepresented

Psalm 26:1 See also 1 Samuel 24:15Psalm 35:23-24

God’s justice doubted

Malachi 2:17 See also Job 6:29Job 27:2Job 34:5Psalm 73:2-14Ecclesiastes 8:11Isaiah 40:27Romans 9:14-20

God’s justice demonstrated

In his demands for social justice

Micah 6:8 See also Deuteronomy 16:18Isaiah 1:16-17Amos 5:21-24Malachi 3:5Matthew 23:23Luke 20:46-47

In his defence of the oppressed

Psalm 103:6 See also Psalm 72:2Psalm 140:12Proverbs 22:22-23Isaiah 11:4Ezekiel 34:16Luke 18:7-8

In his vindication of the righteous

Romans 8:33 See also Psalm 17:1-2Psalm 24:5Isaiah 50:8-9Isaiah 54:17Isaiah 61:8

In the cross

Romans 3:25-26 See also 2 Corinthians 5:21Galatians 3:13

In the resurrection

Acts 17:31

On the day of judgment

Romans 2:5 See also Psalm 9:8Acts 17:31Revelation 16:5Revelation 19:2

See also

1075  God, justice of
1310  God as judge
2042  Christ, justice of
2309  Christ as judge
2410  cross, the
6614  atonement
6674  imputation
6712  propitiation
8721  doubt
9210  judgment, God’s
9230  judgment seat
9240  last judgment