SOURCE - Dictionary of Bible Themes: 4185 sorcery and magic

Dictionary of Bible Themes  ”  4000 Creation  ”  4100 Supernatural beings  ”  4185 sorcery and magic

The attempt to discover or influence the future by means forbidden by God, including the use of divination, astrology or witchcraft. Such practices are strongly condemned in Scripture.

Examples of magic and sorcery

Magic practices

Revelation 18:23 Babylon, here, represents the world as the centre of seduction.


Zechariah 10:2


Isaiah 8:19-20 See also 2 Chronicles 33:6


2 Chronicles 33:3-5 pp 2 Kings 21:3-5

Examples of those who practised sorcery

Egyptian magicians:

Exodus 7:11Exodus 8:18


Numbers 22:6Numbers 23:23 2 Kings 21:6 Manasseh, king of Judah; Isaiah 47:9-13 the Babylonians; Acts 8:9-11 Simon of Samaria; Acts 13:6-8 Bar-Jesus of Cyprus; Acts 19:19 people in Ephesus

All sorcery and magic is strongly forbidden

Deuteronomy 18:9-12 See also Leviticus 19:26Jeremiah 27:9-10Ezekiel 13:18

God is stronger than sorcerers and magicians

Exodus 7:11-12Exodus 8:16-19Isaiah 44:24-25

God’s judgment comes upon sorcerers and magicians

Leviticus 20:6Micah 5:12Acts 13:6-11Revelation 21:8Galatians 5:19-21

God made participation in occult practices punishable by death

Exodus 22:18Leviticus 20:27

King Saul was judged for occult practices

1 Chronicles 10:13-14

Jesus Christ can deliver from occultism

Acts 16:16-18Acts 19:18-19Romans 8:38-39

See also

1025  God, anger of
1310  God as judge
1409  dream
4155  divination
4175  mediums
4190  spiritism
7392  lots, casting of
8160  seeking God
8709  astrology
8829  superstition
8846  ungodliness
9210  judgment, God’s