SOURCE - Dictionary of Bible Themes: 4160 driving out

Dictionary of Bible Themes  ”  4000 Creation  ”  4100 Supernatural beings  ”  4160 driving out

Driving out demons

In Jesus Christ’s ministry

Mark 1:34 See also Matthew 8:16Matthew 9:32-33 pp Luke 11:14Mark 1:39Luke 13:32

Jesus Christ accused of using satanic power to drive out demons

Matthew 12:24-28 pp Mark 3:22-26 pp Luke 11:15-20 See also Matthew 9:34

Jesus Christ commissioned his disciples to drive out demons

Matthew 10:1 pp Luke 9:1 See also Matthew 10:8Mark 3:15Mark 6:13

The failure of the disciples to drive out demons

Mark 9:18

Others attempted to use Jesus Christ’s authority

Luke 9:49Acts 19:13

Driving out demons is no substitute for obedience to the will of God

Matthew 7:22

Driving out demons and Satan as an aspect of Jesus Christ’s overall ministry

John 12:31

Driving out people

Numbers 33:51-52 See also Exodus 10:11Psalm 44:2Proverbs 19:26Proverbs 22:10Jeremiah 29:2Matthew 21:12

See also

2351  Christ, miracles
2375  kingdom of God
4134  demons, exorcism
4165  exorcism