SOURCE - Dictionary of Bible Themes: 5493 retribution

Dictionary of Bible Themes  ”  5000 Humanity  ”  5200 Human civilisation  ”  5493 retribution

Recompense for evil. In Scripture this is the prerogative of God and of the authorities ordained by God, and never of individuals.

The principle of retribution

Exodus 20:5-6Romans 12:19Hebrews 10:30 See also Deuteronomy 32:35Exodus 32:33-34Leviticus 26:23-25Deuteronomy 7:9-10Deuteronomy 32:41-43Job 34:11Proverbs 24:12Isaiah 1:24Nahum 1:2

Divine retribution is just

Genesis 18:25 See also Deuteronomy 32:3-42 Chronicles 12:1-6Psalm 58:10-11Jeremiah 5:7-9-29; Hosea 4:6

Retribution is often built into the nature of wrongdoing

Psalm 7:15-16 See also Psalm 37:14-15Proverbs 1:18Proverbs 26:27Proverbs 28:10Ecclesiastes 10:8Matthew 26:52Galatians 6:7-8

Retribution is placed in the hands of governments

Genesis 9:6Exodus 21:23-25 This “lex talionis” (law of exacting like for like) was not for private retribution. It insisted that justice be fair and not out of proportion to the crime ; Romans 13:4 See also Leviticus 24:17-22Numbers 35:16-251 Peter 2:14

Private retribution is forbidden

Proverbs 24:29 See also Matthew 5:38-39Romans 12:19

Prayer for retribution

Psalm 28:4 Christians can agree with these prayers, hating all that opposes the Lord and goodness, and gladly anticipating the ultimate vindication of God’s glory. Christians leave judgment in God’s hands, but nonetheless grieve over the world’s pain and over the death of every unrepentant sinner ; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 See also Psalm 79:10Psalm 94:1-2Psalm 137:8-9Lamentations 3:64-66

The final retribution

Revelation 20:13 See also Psalm 62:11-12John 5:28-29Romans 2:5-11

Examples of direct divine retribution on people

In the fall

Genesis 3:14 See also Genesis 3:15-16-19

In the flood

Genesis 6:5-7

At the Tower of Babel

See also Genesis 11:5-7

On Sodom and Gomorrah

Genesis 19:24

In the ten plagues on Egypt

Exodus 7:16-17Exodus 11:1Exodus 12:29

On the Israelites in the wilderness

Exodus 32:35 See also 1 Corinthians 10:6-10

On the heathen nations

Leviticus 18:25Deuteronomy 9:4

On the rebellious nation of Israel

Leviticus 18:28Deuteronomy 28:47-48

On idolatrous Judah

Isaiah 65:6-7Isaiah 66:6Ezekiel 5:11-13

On Babylon

Jeremiah 51:6,56

Upon all the nations

Ob 15-16

On Jerusalem

Matthew 23:35-36 This judgment came on Jerusalem in A.D. 70.

Upon persecutors and unbelievers

1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

Examples of divine retribution on individuals

Acts 12:23 See also Numbers 16:302 Samuel 6:7Samuel 12:10Jeremiah 23:2Acts 5:3-51 Corinthians 11:29-30

Examples of divine retribution through human beings

Judges 1:7Judges 9:56-572 Samuel 18:17

Through Jehu upon the house of Ahab:

2 Kings 9:7,30-33

Natural retribution

Romans 1:272 Timothy 3:13

Examples of retribution by the state

See also

Joshua 7:251 Kings 2:31-32Esther 7:10Luke 23:40-41

National retribution

Joshua 10:13-14Judges 11:36Esther 9:5 The special case of God’s dealings with the nation of Israel and her enemies is not a basis on which to argue for a concept of a war, just or otherwise. A just war has to be in defence of the nation or of the defenceless, and involve a minimum of suffering.

Warnings of future retribution

Acts 17:31 See also Matthew 25:31-32

See also

1075  God, justice of
1310  God as judge
5214  attack
5215  authority
5359  justice
5482  punishment
5494  revenge
8450  martyrdom
9105  last things
9210  judgment, God’s
9510  hell