Dictionary of Bible Themes  ”  9000 Last things  ”  9200 Judgment  ”  9220 day of the LORD

The occasion of God’s final intervention in human affairs to punish sin, restore the faithful of his people and establish his rule over the nations. It is linked with the Messianic hope and will be fulfilled at Jesus Christ’s return. This future consummation is anticipated in historical acts of judgment and, although its time is unknown, it will be heralded and accompanied by signs and by great upheavals in nature.

The day of the LORD as a day of judgment

Of universal judgment

Isaiah 24:21-22 See also Zephaniah 1:14-18

Of judgment on the nations

Isaiah 13:9-11Jeremiah 46:10 See also Job 20:28-29Isaiah 13:4-6 God’s judgment on Babylon

God’s judgment on Egypt:

Isaiah 19:16-17Ezekiel 30:3-4 Isaiah 27:1Joel 3:12-14; Ob 15 God’s judgment on Edom; Zephaniah 3:8Romans 2:16Revelation 6:15-17

Of judgment on faithless Israel

Amos 5:18-20 See also Isaiah 2:12Joel 1:15Joel 2:1-2Matthew 7:22-23John 12:48Romans 2:5

The day of the LORD as a day of hope

A day of restoration for God’s people

Jeremiah 30:7-8 See also Joel 2:23-28

God will gather his people

Isaiah 11:11Isaiah 27:12-13Micah 4:6-7Matthew 24:30-31 pp Mark 13:26-27

God will save his people

Zephaniah 3:14-20 See also Isaiah 4:5-6Isaiah 26:1Joel 2:32Joel 3:16-18; Ob 17; Zechariah 9:16-17

God will purify his people

Isaiah 4:3-4Zephaniah 3:11-13Zechariah 14:20-21Malachi 4:1-2

God will exalt his people

Ob 21; Micah 4:8Micah 5:8-9Revelation 22:5

God will complete his saving work

Philippians 1:6 The “day of Christ Jesus” is the NT equivalent to the “day of the LORD” which refers to Jesus Christ’s second coming. See also Daniel 12:1-2John 6:40John 11:241 Corinthians 1:82 Timothy 1:12Timothy 4:8

The siege and deliverance of Jerusalem on the day of the LORD

Nations will gather against Jerusalem

Ezekiel 38:14-16Zechariah 14:2Luke 21:20Revelation 20:8-9

The LORD will fight for Jerusalem

Ezekiel 38:18-23Zechariah 12:2-5Zechariah 14:3-5-13

The establishment of God’s kingdom on the day of the LORD

God’s kingdom will be universal and everlasting

Zechariah 14:9 See also Daniel 2:44Daniel 7:13-14Revelation 11:15

God will be the object of universal worship

Isaiah 19:19-24Zephaniah 3:9-10Zechariah 14:16

God’s rule will be centred on a restored Jerusalem

Isaiah 2:2-4 pp Micah 4:1-3Zechariah 2:10-12Revelation 22:3

The fulfilment of Messianic hope on the day of the LORD

Isaiah 4:2 See also Isaiah 11:10Jeremiah 30:9Hosea 3:5Amos 9:11Zechariah 9:9Zechariah 12:10

Being prepared for the day of the Lord

The day will come unexpectedly

1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 See also Matthew 24:43-44 pp Luke 12:39-40Mark 13:322 Peter 3:10

The need to be ready for the day

1 Thessalonians 5:4-8 See also Ezekiel 13:5Zephaniah 2:1-3Malachi 4:52 Peter 3:11-12

Signs heralding the day may be discerned

Matthew 24:33 pp Mark 13:29 pp Luke 21:312 Thessalonians 2:3

The day of the Lord will be accompanied by signs and great upheavals in nature

Acts 2:19-20 See also Joel 2:30-31Isaiah 13:9-10Joel 2:10Luke 21:11-26

Historical events anticipate the day of the LORD

Disaster foreshadows final judgment

Isaiah 5:29-30 Judah invaded by Assyria; Ezekiel 30:10 Egypt defeated by Nebuchadnezzar; Joel 2:2-4 Israel devastated by a locust swarm; Amos 5:27 Israel defeated and exiled by Assyria; Matthew 24:21 pp Mark 13:19 Jerusalem destroyed by the Romans

Return from exile foreshadows final restoration

Isaiah 11:12-14Haggai 2:23Zechariah 3:8

See also

1310  God as judge
2230  Messiah, coming of
2233  Son of Man
2565  Christ, second coming
9105  last things
9110  after-life
9115  antichrist, the
9140  last days
9170  signs of times
9210  judgment, God’s
9240  last judgment
9310  resurrection