SOURCE - What is Saturation Bible Study? - Deeper Christian

… a lifestyle that is permeated with the Word of God

… soaking in the Word all throughout the day.

**So, why not turn our minds from the (often) pointless thinking we do and shift it to the Word of God? Let Jesus become the focus of your day, allow your mind to be consumed with Him, make Him the focal point of all you do.

SOURCE - 3 Questions to Ask During Bible Study - Deeper Christian

Easiest Options To Get Started

  • Book or Passage Study

    • Using 1 John as an example
      • Read it through in one sitting
      • Read it through every day for a week, or month, or year
        • As you read through it every day
          • Write out the first four verses on a 3 x 5 card
          • At every opportunity throughout the day, read those verses and pray over them.
          • Ask Jesus what it means.
          • Do word studies
          • Ask three questions
            • What Does It Say? - Observation
              • What is happening?
              • Who is speaking?
              • Who is the audience?
              • When was it written?
              • Why was it written?
              • What is not being said?
              • What is the tone, mood, or attitude of what I’m studying?
              • What do certain words mean?
              • What can I discover through the grammar?
              • Is there historical / cultural background I need to know?
              • What is the context of the passage?
            • What Does It Mean? - Interpretation
              • What did the passage mean to the original audience?
              • What point is the author trying to make?
              • What is the purpose for the author writing this passage?
                • What is the concept / truth / principle of the passage
                • What is the key passage (gold nugget)
              • Once you have the answers to these questions, summarize the passage in a single sentence, or short paragraph.
            • What Does It Change? - Application
              • What does it change in me?
              • How does this apply to my life?
              • Do you measure up?
              • Will you allow God to do whatever is necessary to conform you to His Word?
  • Topic Study

    • Just tweak the above process to your topic
      • begin your study
      • write out verses
      • read and pray over verses throughout the day
      • WARNING
        • don’t prooftext by taking a verse out of context