SOURCE - Dictionary of Bible Themes: 4925 delay, divine

Dictionary of Bible Themes  ”  4000 Creation  ”  4900 Time  ”  4924 delay  ”  4925 delay, divine

Delays by God do not result from any failure on his part, but reflect unrealistic human expectations concerning his actions. God delays his vengeance in order to give time for human repentance.

God delays to allow for repentance

To give time for repentance

Luke 13:6-9Romans 2:42 Peter 3:8-9 See also Matthew 3:7-11 pp Luke 3:7-101 Timothy 2:4James 5:7Revelation 2:21

In response to repentance

1 Kings 21:29 See also 1 Kings 21:21-28

Where there is no repentance, God does not delay

Ezekiel 12:25 See also Ezekiel 21:24-26Revelation 2:16

God delays judgment for the sake of his name

Isaiah 48:9 See also Nehemiah 9:30-31

Jesus Christ delayed visiting Lazarus for God’s glory

John 11:1-6 See also John 11:11-23-44

The giving of the Holy Spirit was delayed until Pentecost

Luke 24:49 See also Acts 1:4Acts 2:1-4

God acts when he wants and nothing can delay him

Hebrews 10:37 Referring to the second coming of Jesus Christ. See also Habakkuk 2:3 Referring to the LORD’s delay in sending the Babylonians to conquer Judah and take her inhabitants into exile; Revelation 22:20

Other examples of delay

Exodus 32:1

See also

2565  Christ, second coming
3257  Holy Spirit, gift of
4903  time
5558  storing
5977  waiting
6732  repentance