SOURCE - Dictionary of Bible Themes  ”  5000 Humanity  ”  5200 Human civilisation  ”  5596 victory  ”  5598 victory, over spiritual forces

Dictionary of Bible Themes  ”  2000 Jesus Christ  ”  2300 Jesus Christ, ministry and work of  ”  2303 Jesus Christ, as creator  ”  2372 Jesus Christ, victory of

Jesus Christ triumphs over and disarms all the powers of evil arrayed against him. Believers are able to share in this victory through faith in Jesus Christ.

The scope of Jesus Christ’s victory

Over temptation

Hebrews 4:15 See also Matthew 4:1-11 pp Luke 4:1-13

Over sin

Romans 5:20-21 See also 1 John 3:5

Over Satan

John 12:31 Satan is called “the prince of this world” in John’s Gospel. See also Luke 10:18-19John 14:30John 16:11Hebrews 2:14-15

Over evil spirits

Mark 1:23-27 pp Luke 4:33-36

Over all powers

Colossians 2:15 “powers and authorities” include evil spiritual beings. See also Romans 8:38-391 Corinthians 15:24-25Ephesians 1:21-22Ephesians 4:8Psalm 68:18

Over the world

John 16:33 Here, as elsewhere in John’s Gospel, “world” refers to the human race in rebellion against God. See also 2 Thessalonians 2:8 “the lawless one” represents the leader of human forces of evil; 1 John 5:4-5Revelation 17:12-14Revelation 19:11-21

Over death

Romans 6:9 See also Acts 2:241 Corinthians 15:26-57; 2 Timothy 1:10Revelation 1:18

The manner of Jesus Christ’s victory

By the written word of God

Matthew 4:4-10 pp Luke 4:4-12

By his death on the cross

Hebrews 2:14 See also Colossians 2:15Revelation 12:11

By God’s authority

Luke 11:20 pp Matthew 12:28

By his spoken word

Matthew 8:16 See also Matthew 8:8 pp Luke 7:7Matthew 8:13

Consequences of Jesus Christ’s victory

Assurance for believers

John 16:331 Thessalonians 4:13Revelation 5:5

Victory for believers

1 Corinthians 15:57 See also Romans 7:21-25Romans 8:37Romans 16:20

See also

2012  Christ, authority
2224  Christ, the Lord
2312  Christ as king
2321  Christ as redeemer
2324  Christ as Saviour
2525  Christ, cross of
2560  Christ, resurrection
2575  Christ, temptation
4127  Satan, defeat of
5596  victory
8482  spiritual warfare
9020  death