SOURCE - Dictionary of Bible Themes: 2309 Jesus Christ, as judge

Dictionary of Bible Themes  ”  2000 Jesus Christ  ”  2300 Jesus Christ, ministry and work of  ”  2303 Jesus Christ, as creator  ”  2309 Jesus Christ, as judge

Jesus Christ executed judgment against the forces of evil through his death on the cross. Individuals will be judged according to their response to his saving grace.

Jesus Christ is appointed judge by God the Father

John 5:22 See also John 5:27Acts 10:42Acts 17:31

Jesus Christ is a just judge

John 5:30 See also Isaiah 11:3-4Micah 4:3John 8:15-16Acts 17:31Revelation 19:11

Jesus Christ’s death brought judgment on Satan and evil world powers

John 12:31-33 See also John 16:11

Jesus Christ will act as judge at the end of time

2 Timothy 4:1 See also Matthew 25:31-32Romans 2:162 Thessalonians 1:7-102 Timothy 4:8Revelation 19:11-16Revelation 22:12

People will be judged according to their response to Jesus Christ

John 3:18 See also Matthew 10:32-33 pp Luke 12:8-9Mark 8:38 pp Luke 9:26John 9:39John 12:48

Jesus Christ’s teaching on judgment

Jesus Christ will separate the righteous from the unrighteous

Matthew 25:31-32 See also Matthew 3:12Matthew 13:24-30-42 the parable of the weeds; Matthew 13:47-50 the parable of the net; Matthew 25:33-46 the parable of the sheep and the goats

Those who reject Jesus Christ will be punished

Daniel 2:34-35Matthew 21:33-44 pp Mark 12:1-11 pp Luke 20:9-18 the parable of the tenants

Christians will stand before Jesus Christ as judge and be rewarded for what they have done

Matthew 16:27 See also Matthew 25:14-30 the parable of the talents; Luke 19:12-27 the parable of the ten minas; 2 Corinthians 5:10

The day of Jesus Christ’s return as judge is unknown

Mark 13:32-36 See also Matthew 24:36-44 pp Luke 17:26-37Matthew 25:1-13 the parable of the ten virgins

See also

1310  God as judge
2042  Christ, justice of
2324  Christ as Saviour
2363  Christ, preaching & teaching
2372  Christ, victory
2565  Christ, second coming
4127  Satan, defeat of
5358  judges
5498  reward
5897  judging others
9230  judgment seat
9240  last judgment