Jesus the Word of Life
Verse 1
- John is testifying to what he heard, saw and touched since Jesus called him as one of the apostles
Verse 2
- ↗
- Jesus, the Word of Life was revealed to mankind by the Father when Jesus came to dwell among us Life Father
- John wants his hearers to know and understand that what he is writing is from his personal eyewitness account of his time with Jesus
- “the eternal life that was with the Father” Life Beginning Beginning
Two Purposes for John Writing This Letter
Verse 3
- ↗
- WHY?
Verse 4
Jesus’ Message
Verse 5
Walking in the light
Verses 6-7
- ↗ Darkness
- If we walk in darkness, we do not have fellowship with God (the Father? see next verse) God
- If we walk in darkness, we lie Self-Deception Darkness
- If we walk in darkness, we do not practice the truth Truth Darkness
- If we walk in light, as He is in the light Light Light
- we have fellowship with one another Fellowship Believers
- the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. Sin
Verses 8-10
- God’s Word says, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” - Romans 3:23-24
- God is NOT a liar - Numbers 23:19; Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18
- If we lie, even to ourselves, we totally misrepresent God and make Him out to be a liar, and His Word isn’t in us.
- IF we have God’s Word in us, we will not deceive ourselves, or misrepresent Him. Self-Deception