• From Seeing Through Gods Eyes
    • Quote from Joyce Meyer, “hurting people hurt people”
    • stop, pray and ask God to help the person’s pain and bring them into a close relationship with Him.
    • ask the Lord to see people through His eyes.


Hebrews 5:14

But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained their senses to distinguish good from evil.

  • senses - G145 - aisthétérionG145-aisthétérion

    • Strong’s Concordance
      • organ of perception
    • HELPS Word-studies
      • 145 aisthētḗrion (a neuter noun derived from aio, “perceive, discern through the senses”) – properly, “the organ of sense (BAGD), emphasizing the result of sensory experience (sensation) – i.e. moral feeling to know what is right or wrong in God’s eyes (used only in Heb 5:14 and in the plural).
      • “145 (aisthētērionneuter noun) focuses on the principle of sense and especially its result144 /aísthēsis (the feminine cognate) is the brand of sense-discernment which shrewdly sizes things up145 (aisthētḗrion) is “the concrete organ of sense, becoming virtually a habitual ability which must be developed and enables believers to distinguish between the spirits. It is a spiritual gift which must be developed in practice” (DNTT, 2, 391).
      • Like 144 /aísthēsis145 /aisthētḗrion comes from 143 /aisthánomai (“to perceive with the aid of the physical senses”).
  • distinguish - G1253 - diakrisisG1253-diakrisis

    • Strong’s Concordance
      • the act of judgment
      • distinguishing; hence: deciding, passing sentence on; the act of judgment, discernment.
    • HELPS Word-studies
      • Cognate: 1253 diákrisis (from 1252 /diakrínō, see there) – properly, thorough judgment, i.e. a discernment (conclusion) which distinguishes “look-alikes,” i.e. things that appear to be the same. (Note the intensifying force of the prefix, dia.) See also 1252 (diakrínō).
      • Example: Heb 5:14: “But solid food relates to mature people (5046 /téleios), of those having the sense-faculties trained (‘exercised,’ Gk perfect tense) on account of the habit – [namely] for (4314 /prósdiscernment (1253 /diákrisis), of both good (‘in combination with,’ 5037 /té] and [what is] miserably-bad.”


Matthew 10:16

Behold, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

  • shrewd - G5429 - phronimosG5429-phronimos
    • Strong’s Concordance
      • practically wise, sensible
      • intelligent, prudent, sensible, wise
    • HELPS Word-studies
      • Cognate: 5429 phrónimos (an adjective, derived from 5424 /phrḗn, “personal perspective regulating outward behavior,” and the root of the English term “diaphragm” which controls key body functions from the inside out) – properly, “how we size things up,” reflecting our personal (“visceral”) opinions, i.e. what we consider “savvy” (smart). This always roots to our personal perspective (“inner outlook”) which regulates our definition of being “shrewd,” i.e. reflects personal mind-set (_in_sight). See 5426 (phroneō).