SOURCE - Dictionary of Bible Themes: 9210 judgment, God’s

Dictionary of Bible Themes  ”  9000 Last things  ”  9200 Judgment  ”  9210 judgment, God’s

God judges the world by identifying and condemning sin and by vindicating and rewarding the righteous. God exercises temporal judgment on the world and on his people; final judgment will take place when Jesus Christ returns.

The nature of God’s judgment

Its certainty

Ecclesiastes 12:14 See also Psalm 7:11Ecclesiastes 3:17Ecclesiastes 11:9James 5:9

Its righteousness

Genesis 18:25 See also Psalm 9:7-8Psalm 50:6Psalm 96:13 pp 1 Chronicles 16:33

Its impartiality

2 Chronicles 19:7 See also Deuteronomy 10:17Job 34:19Psalm 98:9Romans 2:11Ephesians 6:9

The purpose of God’s judgment

To display his glory

Isaiah 5:16 See also Exodus 14:4Isaiah 59:18-19Ezekiel 7:27Ezekiel 38:23Revelation 14:7

To vindicate the righteous

1 Samuel 24:12-15 See also Psalm 7:8-9Isaiah 34:8Jeremiah 11:20Jeremiah 51:9-10Revelation 16:5-7

To defend the weak

Psalm 140:12 See also Psalm 82:1-4Isaiah 11:4Ezekiel 34:16-22

To bring salvation to his people

Isaiah 30:18 See also Exodus 6:6Deuteronomy 32:36Psalm 76:8-9Psalm 105:5-7 pp 1 Chronicles 16:12-14Isaiah 33:22

To punish sin

Romans 2:12 See also Psalm 1:4-6John 12:48Romans 5:16Hebrews 10:26-30Hebrews 13:4

To turn people to God

Isaiah 19:22 Temporal judgments may turn people to God and so save them from eternal judgment. See also 1 Kings 8:33 pp 2 Chronicles 6:242 Chronicles 7:13-14Daniel 4:33-34Hosea 2:5-71 Corinthians 11:29-32

God’s judgment may be delayed

Job 24:1-42 Peter 3:9 See also Psalm 74:10-11Psalm 94:2-3Habakkuk 1:2-4Acts 17:30Romans 3:25Revelation 6:10

Examples of God’s judgment

Judgment on ungodly individuals

Acts 12:23 See also 2 Chronicles 21:18-19 Jehoram; Daniel 5:26-28 Belshazzar; Revelation 2:22 Jezebel, the false prophetess

Judgment following particular sins

Genesis 4:10-14 Cain’s murder of Abel; Numbers 20:12 Moses’ and Aaron’s disobedience; Leviticus 10:1-2 Nadab’s and Abihu’s disobedience; 1 Samuel 25:38-39 Nabal’s contemptuous treatment of David; 2 Samuel 6:6-8 Uzzah’s handling of the ark; 2 Kings 2:23-24 youths jeering at Elisha; 2 Kings 5:27 Gehazi’s greed; 2 Chronicles 26:19-20 Uzziah’s pride and unfaithfulness; Acts 5:1-10 Ananias’ and Sapphira’s lies

Judgment on peoples and nations

Joel 3:12-13 See also Genesis 6:17Genesis 19:24-25


Exodus 7:4-5Numbers 33:4 1 Samuel 2:10Samuel 5:6


Isaiah 10:12Isaiah 37:36 pp 2 Kings 19:35 Isaiah 34:5


Jeremiah 25:12Jeremiah 51:56 Jeremiah 25:31-33

God’s judgment on his enemies

Deuteronomy 32:41-43 See also Psalm 45:3-6Isaiah 1:24Ezekiel 38:21-22John 12:31Revelation 20:7-10

God’s judgment on Israel

God’s warning of judgment

Deuteronomy 28:15-24Jeremiah 1:16 See also Leviticus 26:15-20Jeremiah 11:7-8


Numbers 16:46-47Numbers 21:5-92 Samuel 24:15 pp 1 Chronicles 21:14

Drought and famine

1 Kings 17:1Haggai 1:10-11

Defeat by enemies

Joshua 7:1-7Judges 2:11-16 The cycle of sin, defeat and deliverance is repeated several times in Judges; 2 Chronicles 28:4-5


2 Kings 17:23Jeremiah 11:17Lamentations 1:5Ezekiel 39:23-24

God’s final judgment on the whole earth

Acts 17:31 See also Daniel 12:2Matthew 25:31-32John 12:48Romans 2:16Romans 14:101 Corinthians 4:52 Timothy 4:11 Peter 4:5Revelation 20:11-15

See also

1075  God, justice of
1310  God as judge
2309  Christ as judge
4925  delay, divine
5482  punishment
5493  retribution
5827  curse
6020  sin
9105  last things
9220  day of the LORD
9230  judgment seat
9240  last judgment