Based upon - Live by the Sword - Die by the Sword - Bible Knowledge


Matthew 25:51-52

At this, one of Jesus’ companions drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear.

“Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him. “For all who draw the sword will die by the sword.”


Title Matthew 5:38-39

38 You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’ 39 But I tell you not to resist an evil person. If someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also;


Proverbs 20:22

Do not say, “I will avenge this evil!” Wait on the LORD, and He will save you


Luke 6:30

Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what is yours, do not demand it back.


2 Timothy 2:3

Join me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.


1 Timothy 1:18

Timothy, my child, I entrust you with this command in keeping with the previous prophecies about you, so that by them you may fight the good fight,


1 Corinthians 10:4

The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of this world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

So, how do we know when to engage in battle, and when not to?

Warning from

Study both sides of this revelation very carefully - and then make sure you learn when to engage, and when to turn the other cheek and let the matter go as best as you can. For some people, this revelation will mean the matter of their own life and death.

If you draw out your sword and attempt to engage with the wrong person at the wrong time, it could end up being your last day down here on this earth.

Not knowing how to adhere to this basic, 101 rule of spiritual warfare has caused many people to be taken out of this life way too early.

When Not To Engage

It seems that in most instances, Jesus would have us to “turn the other cheek” and let matters go; particularly with individuals we do not know anything about. Here are some basic examples (NOT an exhaustive list by any means.)

  • Road rage
    • Trying to get even, or trying to show that no one is going to push you around
  • School, the Work Place, and the Streets
    • bullying, calling names, etc
  • Criminal Gang Activity

Bottom line - as a good soldier of Jesus Christ, you simply have to learn when to verbally engage, when to physically engage, or when to turn the other cheek and let the matter go.

If you do not learn how to operate and navigate in these three specific realms with the Lord, you could end up getting yourself seriously injured, if not possibly killed by taking the wrong strategy at the wrong time.

Most of the time your good common sense will tell you which is the right strategy to take.

The Holy Spirit will also be right there with you, and He will be giving you His guidance and wisdom on how to handle these types of situations.

You will need self-discipline, as well as relying on the Holy Spirit to guide you.

  • An Act of Revenge
    • vengeance belongs to the Lord
  • Adultery

Bottom line - let it go, fully surrender the problem into God’s hands, and from there, be guided by the Holy Spirit as to how you should handle this kind of bad development in your marriage.

Learn to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

  • Sporting Events

These are just some examples of where God has not authorized us to be verbally, or physically, engaged with another person.

On of the reasons Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek most of the time is because these types of violent acts will always have some kind of consequences to them. And these consequences can very easily be severe, even to the point of loosing one’s life.

When Do You Have the Right to Engage

Most of the time, God would have you turn the other cheek and let the matter go. However, there will also be times when He will have you either verbally and/or physically engage with an enemy.

  • David vs Goliath
  • The Jewish People
  • An Intruder Breaking Into Your House
    • We have the right to fully protect our families and our property if a criminal breaks in and attempts to do any type of bodily injury to anyone in the house
  • Spousal Physical Abuse
    • the victim should leave as soon as possible;
    • the abuse should also also be reported to the proper authorities;
    • and, if necessary, obtain a restraining order
  • Child Abuse
    • report the matter to the proper authorities
  • Local Police
    • by virtue of their jobs, they have to directly engage in verbal and/or physical confrontations
  • Military Personnel
  • Someone Being Assaulted on the Streets
    • If possible, call the authorities and let them deal with the criminal
    • obtain any information in case the criminal leaves before the police can arrive
    • “if someone was trying to rob or abduct you, wouldn’t you want at least of on the bystanders seeing all of this happen to at least make an attempt to call the police and get them there as soon as possible?”
    • You will need to decide whether or not you need to get directly involved and physically engage the criminal; you will need to be totally guided by the Holy Spirit in these situations.
  • Demons
    • cast them out of people or dwellings
      • by the Word of God
      • and by the power of the Holy Spirit moving against them
    • but first, you must be willing to directly engage with demons by using verbal warfare

Bottom line - you have to know when to take out your sword to properly defend either yourself or someone else you may be helping, or when to leave it in its sheath and then turn the other cheek.

Any type of physical force should only be used as a very last resort and when you have absolutely no other options to be able to take.

The laws of our society have it set up this way, along with God Himself with the way He has given us this two-sided piece of revelation from His Word.