SOURCE - Dictionary of Bible Themes: 4116 angels, opposed to God

Dictionary of Bible Themes  ”  4000 Creation  ”  4100 Supernatural beings  ”  4110 angels  ”  4116 angels, opposed to God

Spiritual beings who fell with Satan. They are under God’s judgment and are subject to the authority of believers.

Spiritual authorities led by Satan

2 Corinthians 11:14 See also John 12:31John 16:11Ephesians 6:12Revelation 9:11

Angels opposed to God will be judged

Jude 6 See also Job 4:18Job 15:15Matthew 25:412 Peter 2:4Revelation 20:10

Jesus Christ has defeated Satan and his angels

Colossians 2:15 See also Genesis 3:15Ephesians 1:19-21

Satan’s angels are resisted by God’s faithful angels

Revelation 12:7-9 See also Daniel 10:13 The princes of Persia and Greece appear to be spiritual powers who resist God’s rule over these regions.

Jesus Christ gives authority over Satan and his angels to believers

Luke 10:18-19 See also Romans 8:38-39Romans 16:201 Corinthians 6:3Ephesians 6:10-13James 4:7

See also

2372  Christ, victory
2525  Christ, cross of
4124  Satan, kingdom of
4126  Satan, resistance to
4127  Satan, defeat of
4131  demons, kinds of
4135  demons, Christ’s authority over
6157  fall, of Satan
8484  spiritual warfare, enemies