SOURCE - Battle Command Against Demonic Spirits

Outside Spiritual Attacks

  • Two Basic Tactics
    • Demons will try and hinder you from being able to progress from point A to point B in your walk and call for God.
    • Or, they will try and start playing mind-games with you in an effort to try and throw you into some kind of mental torment and sever your spiritual connection with the Lord.
      • depression
      • try to steal your joy and zest for living
      • try to get you to start thinking very critically and judgmentally towards others so as to cause dissension and disunity
      • try to tell you you’re not really saved
      • try to get you to believe you have committed the unpardonable sin
      • try to dissaude you from reading your Bible and continuing to grow in the knowledge and ways of God
    • try to interfere with your prayer life with God
    • try to sever the inside spiritual connection that you have forged with the Lord


  • Demons cannot MAKE a person do anything.
  • All they can do is try and convince you to do what they want you to do.
  • They can plant their suggestions and thoughts into your mind
  • They can also give you strong inner compulsions

NOTE - the following battle command was given to a woman who’s husband had opened the doorway to demons through pornography. She was asking for help to protect her 6 year-old daughter who was being affected by these demons.

Example Battle Command Against Demons

Example Battle Command Against Demons

I am now coming against each and every demon that has come onto my daughter as a result of my husband’s involvement in pornography.

I know that you are all in here. I know that you have contaminated my daughter with your evil presence. My daughter is completely innocent of these charges. You thus have no legal right to be attacking her like you have been doing.

I now come against each and everyone of you operating under the full authority, power and anointing of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I now Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you. I repeat – I now plead the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you.

Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ – you are to leave my daughter right now – and you are to never, ever come back on my daughter ever again. GO NOW – in the name of Jesus Christ. I repeat – GO NOW – in the name of Jesus Christ and be forever banished from our presence!”

General Battle Plan Against Outside Demonic Spirits

General Battle Plan Against Outside Demonic Spirits

If there are any demons who are attempting to attack, harass, or torment me – I am now coming against each and everyone of you in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am now coming against each and everyone you operating under the full power, anointing, and authority of God the Father and Jesus Christ.

Demons, in the name of Jesus, I now Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you. I repeat, I now Plead the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you.

Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ – I now command you to leave me right now – and you are to never, ever come back on me again. GO NOW – in the name of Jesus Christ! I repeat – GO NOW in the name of Jesus Christ!