SOURCE - A Deliverance System On How To Cast Out Demons -

Basic General Rules

  • Realize no two cases will ever be alike.

  • You have to be totally guided by the Holy Spirit on each one, as sometimes there will be some very interesting twists and turns that will occur in some of these cases.

  • Make sure your slate is fairly clean

  • Make sure you are walking in FULL surrender with the Lord

  • Be led by the Lord as to which cases to take on

  • Some reasons why the Lord may not want you to minister deliverance to someone

    • the person may not want to be really delivered from their demons.
    • the person may not want to give up the legal rights that the demons are operating on.
    • the person may not want the demons out because they like all of the pity and sympathy they have been receiving from others over the years.
    • the timing may not be right.
    • the person may be a nonbeliever and he may not be willing to accept Jesus Christ as his true Lord and Savior.

The Deliverance Team

  • If possible, at least two or more people, with one person taking the basic lead to directly engage with the demons; possibly up to 5 or 6 depending upon the case.
  • If you are a man and you are getting ready to minister to a woman, make sure your assistant is a woman.
  • If you are dealing with a man who has very violent type demons, you may want to have 4 or 5 stronger men with you to help hold him down should they try to get violent with you.
  • STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to have good strong intercessors praying and intercede as you get read to take on your case. They can do it from home; they do not have to be at the place of deliverance.

The Deliverance Setting

  • As the Lord where He wants the deliverance to take place.
  • Make sure to have a box of tissues, waste bucket, and dry towel nearby.
  • You may want to have water and snacks if you think the deliverance may take some time to get fully accomplished. Don’t be afraid to take breaks.
  • Make sure there is a restroom available for everyone; make sure you watch the person who is being delivered when they have to use the restroom if you think the demons may try and act up with them. Just have someone of the same sex stand guard outside the restroom so the person does not try and hurt themselves or lock the door on all of you.

Preparation of the Person to be Delivered

  • Tell them the demons make talk to them on the inside.
  • Have the person tell you what the demons say to them.
  • The person needs to be an active and willing participant in this process.
  • Tell them the demons may try and manifest in different parts of their body during the deliverance. Tell them to try and fight and resist it using their own natural will power.
  • Tell them they can use their own measure of self-control and will power against these demons. Most times, this enough to stop the demons from manifesting to any appreciable degree.
  • You, too, will be commanding the demons not to manifest or cause any kind of commotion or disturbance once you start the deliverance.
  • Advise the person that some of the manifestations that could occur is they could feel a tightness in their stomach, nausea, tingling sensations, eyes fluttering, headaches, and possible burning sensations in various parts of the body. If this happens, tell the person not be be afraid; that the demons are manifesting because they are now scared and they know they are about ready to lose the house they have been living in.

Don’t Stand Too Close to the Person Once You Start Engaging With Demons

  • the demons may attempt to kick, punch, scratch, etc.
  • only lay hands on the person if the Holy Spirit instructs you to
  • look into the victim’s eyes; the demons do not like the light coming from yours; they may try to look away, but if possible, try to have them maintain proper eye contact with you through most of the deliverance.
  • do not scream or get verbally abusive once you start engaging the demons. Use a nice, firm, authoritative tone with them.
  • The Holy Spirit may raise up the tone and intensity, but He will control the wrath and anger that He may start to manifest against the demons.
  • Imitate the way Jesus dealt with demons
    • firm and authoritative tone of voice

Do Not Try and Cast Out Alters

  • if there is severe abuse / trauma in their backgrounds, part of the core of their personality may have split off into several different altars. DO NOT try and cast out these alters
  • AFTER the person has been FULLY delivered from the demons, God will then have to merge and integrate the alters back into the core of their person’s personality. This is a gradual process once the person has been fully delivered.
  • AFTER the deliverance, ask the Lord to start the inner healing process and ask Him to merge and integrate all of the alters back into the cor over the time frame that He will want to do it.

Holy Water and Anointed Oil

  • Can be used in the heavier cases.
  • Demons hate both of these and sometimes will scream out that they are being burned and tormented once the oil and/or water is placed on the body.
  • Holy water can also be used by sprinkling around the house in which the person is living in, as you will also want to drive the demons out of their houses as well as their bodies.
  • Just be led by the Holy Spirit as to when He might want you to use one or both in any given deliverance.


  • Be led by the Holy Spirit as to when to fast and when not to; and for how long.

Duration of Deliverance

  • If the demons cannot be cast out in the first session, schedule another session at everyone’s convenience.
  • When the host leaves from the first session, make sure you issue a strong battle command to the demons not to hurt or harm them during the interim in between the sessions.
  • Be aware of how long you are working on each of these sessions. When you get to the point of everyone is starting to get tired, you are better off ending the session and picking it back up on the second session.

The Deliverance System

Keep in mind that you still need to ensure that you are FULLY guided by the Holy Spirit throughout this entire process.

  • Person needs to be saved and born again

    • Are they a Christian?
    • If not, you need to lead them to the Lord.
  • They need to be FULLY surrendered to God

  • They need to have been water baptized

  • Break ALL of the legal rights of the demons;

    • This is the heart of the system, and is where the battle will either be won or lost with the demons.
  • Pray to the Lord before engaging with the demons

  • Dry up the waters of the enemy

  • Tear down the inner kingdom of the enemy

  • Bind the lesser demons to the chief demon and cast them all out as one spirit.